New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi has given great news to the citizens of the country in his first interview after Corona. PM Modi said that all Indians will be vaccinated with the coronavirus vaccine once it is available and no one will be left behind. PM Narendra Modi has also said that a national expert group has been created to manage vaccine administration and chart the path.

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Speaking to The Economic Times in an interview, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said, “I would like to assure the nation that, as and when a vaccine becomes available, everyone will be vaccinated. No one will be left behind.”

PM Narendra Modi further added, “Of course, initially we may focus on protecting the most vulnerable and the frontline workers. A National Expert Group on Vaccine Administration for Covid-19 has been constituted to chart the way forward.”

 28,000 cold chain points will store and distribute Covid-19 vaccines: PM Modi

Speaking on the massive exercise of taking the coronavirus vaccine to the entire population of India, PM Narendra Modi said, “On logistics, more than 28,000 cold chain points will store and distribute Covid-19 vaccines to ensure they reach the last point. Dedicated teams at state, district, and local levels will see to it that vaccine distribution and administration is done in a systematic and accountable manner.”

Striking a note of caution, Modi said there is no room for complacency. "The virus is proving to be very fickle. At one time, some places like Gujarat were seen as hot spots while the situation seemed to be under control in Kerala, Karnataka, etc. After a few months, things have improved in Gujarat but turning for the worse in Kerala. This is why I feel there is no room for complacency. I stressed the same in my recent message to the nation on October 20 that the only way forward is to take precautions such as wearing masks, hand washing, and social distancing because jab tak dawai nahin, tab tak dhilai nahin," he said.

Last week, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had suggested developing a vaccine delivery system that is on the lines of how elections are conducted in the country and disaster management work is conducted. Modi said that in a similar manner the vaccine delivery and administration system should be put in place.

Vaccine status in the world

At least three vaccines are in advanced stages of development in India, out of which 2 are in Phase II and one is in Phase III. Indian scientists and research teams are collaborating and strengthening the research capacities in neighbouring countries - Afghanistan, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Maldives, Mauritius, Nepal, and Sri Lanka. There are further requests from Bangladesh, Myanmar, Qatar, and Bhutan for clinical trials in their countries.

Also Watch|Every Indian will be vaccinated after the arrival of Corona vaccine: PM Modi