Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday interacted with school students aboard Vande Bharat Express train as he flagged off five superfast trains at Rani Kamalapati Railway Station in Madhya Pradesh's Bhopal. In a video shared by news agency ANI, PM Modi could be seen surrounded with school students as some of them presented their thoughts in front of him. Ahead of the inaugural event, the railways ministry shared a glimpse of school students who were ready to board the Ranchi-Patna Vande Bharat Express.

"Pure joy fills the air as these vibrant school children gather at Ranchi Station, eagerly anticipating the unforgettable experience of the inaugural journey," railways ministry shared photos of the school children with the caption.

Two of the Vande Bharat trains will be for Madhya Pradesh, where Assembly polls are due by the year-end. The other three are in Maharashtra, Karnataka and Bihar. This will for the first time that so many Vande Bharat trains will be launched in a day.

As per the PMO, the five trains that will be launched are Rani Kamalapati-Jabalpur Vande Bharat Express, Khajuraho-Bhopal-Indore Vande Bharat Express, Madgaon (Goa)-Mumbai Vande Bharat Express, Dharwad-Bengaluru Vande Bharat Express and Hatia-Patna Vande Bharat Express.

PM Modi will also interact with BJP booth workers during his virtual address from Bhopal.

"I will get an opportunity to interact with lakhs of dedicated workers under 'Mera Booth Sabse Mazboot' programme. This opportunity will further empower their resolve for a developed India," Modi said in another tweet in Hindi.