Gujarat: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday addressed a rally in Surat’s Katargam where was present to inaugurate ceremony of Kiran Multispeciality Hospital. Prime Minister made several medical related announcements during his address in Surat.

Announcements made by PM Modi:

  • PM during his Surat address announced that the cost of stunt, which is used to cure heart patients will be reduced from Rs 1-1.5 lakh to Rs 20,000. Whereas, a stunt which is generally sold at a price of Rs Rs 40,000 will now have to be sold for Rs 6-7thousdand


  • PM also asserted that he would soon set out a rule where it would be mandatory for doctors to write on medical prescription that patients could purchase a generic medicine for the same disease and don’t necessarily have to resort to expensive ones. This move as per PM would ensure medical treatment even to poor

Courtesy: PIB

  • PM also assured that he has ordered to reduce the price of medicines to make it affordable for poor


  • PM also lauded the hospital and its staff saying, “This hospital is a state of Art hospital and would benefit the citizens”


  • PM also said that “The effort devoted towards making this hospital should be known by the entire nation. It has been a commendable one”


What is special about Kiran Hospital inaugurated by PM?

  • The hospital specializes in Cardiology & Cardiothoracic Surgeries

  • The Department of Cardiology & Cardiothoracic Surgery at Kiran Hospital provides comprehensive Cardiac Care

  • The hospital also has fully integrated Cardiac Cath Labs and hybrid Cath labs

  • The hospital is equipped with latest ECG machines, 3D -4D Echocardiography machines, Holter monitoring and treadmill tests, TEE Machines

  • The hospital also provides services in Endocrinology, ENT, Gastroenterology & GI system, Laparoscopic surgery, neurology, nephrology, opthamology and oncology