New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his monthly radio programme 'Mann Ki Baat' extended his greetings on the occasion of Chhath Puja which is being celebrated by people of Bihar and eastern Uttar Pradesh today. "In Chhath Puja, the Sun worship is proof of the deep connection of our culture with nature," the PM said.

"We see such grand pictures of Chhath puja being celebrated in foreign countries which means that Indian culture and its faith is making a mark in all corners of the world," he added. 

Taking cue from Chhath puja where Sun God is worshipped, PM talked about the importance of solar energy saying thay the renenwable energy is a domain where entire world sees its future. "India one of the leading nations in solar power generation," he said. 

"The way solar energy is transforming the lives of the poor and middle classes is a matter of study," he added. 

The Prime Minister talked about India's space initiatives and said that youth of our country gave a special Diwali gift by placing 36 satellites in space simultaneously. "With this, from Kashmir to Kanyakumari and from Kutch to Kohima, in the whole country, digital connectivity will be further strengthened," he added. 

During his address, he said that he remebered those days when India was denied the Cryogenic Rocket Technology , "but the scientists of India not only developed indigenous technology, but today with the help of it, dozens of satellites are being sent to space simultaneously." 

He highlighted that "revolutionary changes have started coming in" after the space sector was opened up for country's youth which was earlier confined within the purview of of government systems.

PM Modi lauded the efforts of a group of women from Tamil Nadu's Anaikatti district who are developing teracotta teacups.