New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi held delegation-level talks with his French counterpart Elisabeth Borne in Paris as he arrived in France for an official two-day visit on Thursday.

According to the Prime Minister's Office, the leaders reviewed various facets of the India-France partnership as well as discussed measures to further strengthen the ties between both countries.


"PM @narendramodi held fruitful talks with PM @elisabeth_borne in Paris," PMO tweeted.

He was welcomed by his French counterpart Elisabeth Borne in Paris. The Prime Minister has been invited as the Guest of Honour at the Bastille Day Parade at the invitation of French President Emmanuel Macron.

During his visit, PM Modi will hold discussions with Macron and other French dignitaries and interact with the Indian community and top CEOs.

Next, he will address an Indian Community event at the iconic La Seine Musicale at around 11 PM IST. Thereafter, at around 00:30 AM IST, PM will reach Elysee Palace for a private dinner hosted by French President Emmanuel Macron.

An Indian tri-services contingent will be part of the Bastille Day Parade, while Indian Air Force aircraft will perform a fly-past on the occasion.

Noting that this year marks the 25th anniversary of the India-France strategic partnership, PM Modi said that rooted in deep trust and commitment, the two countries cooperate closely across various domains including defence, space, civil nuclear, blue economy, trade, investment, education, culture and people-to-people ties.

"We also work together on regional and global issues," the Prime Minister stated. "I look forward to meeting President Macron and holding wide-ranging discussions on taking forward this longstanding and time-tested partnership over the next 25 years," he added.