New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Italian PM Giorgia Meloni on Thursday held delegation-level talks in Delhi. At a press meeting after meeting PM Modi, Italian PM Meloni said, PM Modi knows he can rely on Italy for the G20 summit to further enhance the relationship. I believe there is a lot we can do together, she added. "PM Modi knows he can rely on us, on our cooperation for the G20 summit, to further enhance our relationship. I believe there is a lot we can do together," Italian PM Giorgia Meloni said as quoted by the news agency ANI.

Speaking on India's G20 presidency, Meloni said, "We hope that India's G20 presidency can play a central role in facilitating a negotiating process for the cessation of hostilities (in Ukraine). Keeping the multilateral community together is important and we hope the Indian presidency can do it even more".

She also said that India and Italy want to boost their relationship so both the nations have decided to turn the partnership into a strategic partnership. "We wanted to further boost this relation and this is the reason why we have decided to turn our partnership into a strategic partnership because we have very solid relationship," Giorgia Meloni said after meeting with PM Narendra Modi, as quoted by ANI.

Meloni hailed PM Modi and said that he is the most loved of all leaders around the world. "PM Modi is the most loved one of all (leaders) around the world. This is really proven that he has been a major leader and congratulations for that," Giorgia Meloni said as quoted by ANI.

'Ukraine Dispute Can Be Resolved Through Dialogue And Diplomacy": PM Modi After Meeting Italian PM  

PM Modi on Thursday reaffirmed India's stand on the ongoing Russia-Ukarine conflict, saying, "Ukraine dispute can be resolved through dialogue and diplomacy." At a press meeting after meeting Italian PM Giorgia Meloni, PM Modi said, "From the beginning of the Ukraine conflict, India has clarified that this dispute can only be resolved through dialogues and diplomacy. And India is fully ready to contribute to any peace process," as quoted by ANI.

Welcoming PM Meloni on her first visit to India, PM Modi said, "In last year's elections, the people of Italy voted for her and she became the first woman and youngest PM of Italy. I congratulate her on behalf of Indians for this historic achievement." The Italian PM is the chief guest and the keynote speaker at the 8th Raisina Dialogue 2023.

This year marks the diamond jubilee, or 75 years of the bilateral relations between India and Italy. "On this occasion, we have decided to give Strategic Partnership status to the Indo-Italy partnership. India will further strengthen its relationship with Italy in renewable energy, hydrogen, IT, telecom, semiconductors and space. A Startup Bridge is being announced today between India and Italy, which we welcome," said PM Modi, as quoted by ANI.

He said India was also focussing on further strengthening economic relations with Italy. "Our 'Make in India' and 'Artmanirbhar Bharat' (self-reliant India) campaigns are opening immense opportunities for investments in India," said PM Modi. He further said India and Italy are walking shoulder to shoulder in the fight against terrorism and separatism.

"We discussed further strengthening this cooperation," added PM Modi. New Delhi on Thursday decided to create an action plan to celebrate the 75th anniversary of relations between India and Italy. "With this we will be able to show the achievements of both countries' diversity, history, science and technology, innovation, sports and other fields on the global stage," said PM Modi.

"Today, we're announcing the establishment of a 'Start Up Bridge' between India and Italy. We welcome this. There is one more sector wherein both the countries are beginning a new chapter, that is - defence cooperation," he added.

In the defence manufacturing sector in India, opportunities for co-production and co-development are arising which can be beneficial for both the countries. "We have also decided to conduct regular joint exercise and training courses," said PM Modi, as quoted by ANI. He also welcomed Italy's active partnership in Indo-Pacific. "It is very happy that Italy has decided to join Indo-Pacific Ocean Initiative. With this we will be able to identify concrete subjects to increase our cooperation in Indo-Pacific," said PM Modi.