New Delhi: Prime Minister Modi paid a sudden visit to the ailing former PM Atal Bihari Vajpayee at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences on Sunday night,  without security, to enquire about his health conditions.

Breaching the protocol, PM went straight to AIIMS without any prior information. As per the sources, the hospital’s administration too found out about it only after PM already reached there.

Prime Minister covered the route from 7 Lok Kalyan Marg to AIIMS obeying the traffic rules and halting at the signals. He stayed in the hospital for about 45 minutes. The prime minister visited the hospital at around 9.05 pm and left after 15-20 minutes, according to a source at the AIIMS.

Two days ago Vajpayee was kept on ventilator. However his health condition is stable now.

The 93-year-old former prime minister, is undergoing treatment at the premier hospital. He was admitted to the hospital on June 11 with a kidney tract infection, chest congestion and urine output on the lower side. He was immediately evaluated by a team of doctors and put on injectable antibiotics.

Vajpayee, a diabetic, has one functional kidney. He had suffered a stroke in 2009 that weakened his cognitive abilities. Subsequently, he developed dementia.