Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday arrived in Gujarat's Ahmedabad for a two day visit, during which he will hold bilateral meetings with world leaders, CEOs of top global corporations, and inaugurate the Vibrant Gujarat Global Summit. Taking to X, PM Modi stated: "Landed in Ahmedabad a short while ago. Over the next two days, will be taking part in the Vibrant Gujarat Summit and related programmes. It is a matter of immense joy that various world leaders will be joining us during this Summit. The coming of my brother, HH Mohamed Bin Zayed is very special."
Highlighting his association with the summit, he stated: "I have a very close association with the Vibrant Gujarat Summit and I am glad to see how this platform has contributed to Gujarat’s growth and created opportunities for several people."
According to a statement issued by the Prime Minister's Office (PMO), the Vibrant Gujarat Global Summit, which was founded in 2003 under the visionary leadership of then-chief minister Modi, has evolved into one of the most prestigious global forums for business collaboration, knowledge sharing, and strategic partnerships for inclusive growth and sustainable development.
Prime Minister Modi will arrive at Mahatma Mandir in Gandhinagar about 9.30 a.m. on January 9, where he will have bilateral discussions with world leaders, followed by a meeting with CEOs of leading global firms.
According to the PMO, he will launch the Vibrant Gujarat Global Trade Show at about 3 p.m.
Prime Minister Modi will launch the Vibrant Gujarat Global Summit 2024 at Mahatma Mandir in Gandhinagar on January 10 at about 9.45 a.m.
Following that, he will meet with CEOs of major worldwide firms.
The Prime Minister will then drive to GIFT City, where he will meet with renowned business executives at the Global FinTech Leadership Forum at roughly 5.15 p.m.
The tenth edition of the Vibrant Gujarat Global Summit will be place in Gandhinagar, Gujarat, from January 10 to 12, 2024.