Prime Minister Narendra Modi took to X (formerly Twitter) on Monday, expressing that the consecration of the new Ram Lalla idol in Ayodhya marked the dawn of a new era. He declared a significant initiative, tweeting, "On the auspicious occasion of consecration in Ayodhya, my resolution got further strengthened that the people of India should have their own solar rooftop system on the roof of their houses."

PM Modi, upon returning from Ayodhya, announced the launch of the "Pradhanmantri Suryodaya Yojana," aiming to install rooftop solar on one crore houses. The initiative not only seeks to reduce the electricity bills of the poor and middle class but also aims to make India self-reliant in the energy sector, said PM. 

Simultaneously, the new Ram Lalla idol was consecrated at the Ayodhya temple on Monday, an event led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, signifying the advent of a new era. Millions of people watched the 'pran pratishtha' ceremony on television, becoming part of the historic event held months ahead of the Lok Sabha elections.

In addition to the scrapping of Article 370 and the implementation of a uniform civil code, the construction of a grand Ram temple in Ayodhya has been a long-standing goal for the BJP.

Army helicopters showered flower petals on the newly constructed Janmabhoomi temple during the 'pran pratishtha' ceremony, sparking celebrations in parts of Uttar Pradesh's temple town.

Inside the sanctum sanctorum, PM Modi performed a series of rituals, with the 'pran pratishtha' taking place during the 84-second 'Abhijeet muhurta.' The ceremony, attended by Uttar Pradesh Governor Anandiben Patel, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, and RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat, concluded with PM Modi prostrating before the 51-inch idol of the child Ram.

Leaving the sanctum sanctorum, Modi addressed a gathering of about 8,000, including sadhus, individuals linked to the Ram Janmabhoomi movement, and celebrities from various fields. After the PM departed, the temple was opened to invitees, leading to chaotic scenes before the 'garbhagriha'. 

PM Modi also visited the Kuber Tila shrine, unveiled a statue of the Ramayana figure Jatayu, and showered petals on the temple's construction workers.

The first phase of the temple, costing Rs 1,100 crore and built by a trust, is set to open to the public on Tuesday.

As several states declared the day a holiday to enable people to watch the ceremony on TV and participate in local temple events, PM Modi's announcement of the 'Pradhanmantri Suryodaya Yojana' added a significant policy dimension to the day's events.

The newly carved idol, depicting Ram at the age of five, was crafted by Mysuru-based sculptor Arun Yogiraj. Adorned in a yellow dhoti, stone-studded jewellery, and flowers in red, yellow, and purple hues, it signifies a significant addition to the temple's sanctum.

The Ram Janmabhoomi Mandir, constructed in the traditional Nagara style, boasts dimensions of 380 feet in length, 250 feet in width, and 161 feet in height. Supported by 392 pillars and featuring 44 doors, the temple's pillars and walls showcase intricately sculpted depictions of Hindu deities. Read the full report here

Consecration rituals began on January 16 from the Saryu river banks and concluded Monday afternoon. Temples worldwide, organized by the Vishva Hindu Parishad, celebrated the occasion, emphasising the global significance of the Ayodhya Ram temple's inauguration.

Click here for all the live updates coming straight from Ayodhya's grand ceremony.