New Delhi: The Punjab police have arrested three accused in the Patiala clash that took place on Friday afternoon. The Patiala Inspector General MS Chhina said on Saturday that the main accused and the mastermind of the clash, Barjinder Singh Parwana will also be arrested shortly. 

The accused have been identified as Harish Singla, Kuldeep Singh Danthal, and Daljit Singh. Of the three arrested, Harish Singla, who is the head of Shiv Sena (Bal Thackeray) was sent to two-day police remand. IG Chhani said that others will also be interrogated soon irrespective of their connections. 

“Harish Singla sent to 2-day police remand... All the accused in the matter, whatever may be their connections, will be arrested, interrogated & their charge sheets will be filed post which they'll be presented in the court. No relaxation, law will take its own course,” IG Chhani said. 

He also said that the main accused who is also the mastermind of Friday’s violence has a previous criminal record with four FIRs against him. He has been on trial in the past as well. 

“The peace committee members have assured us that atmosphere like this will not be created in the city in any procession. The principal conspirator, Barjinder Singh Parwana, has a criminal background; 4 FIRs filed against him, has been arrested & under trial,” Chhani added. 

Meanwhile, the Punjab police have arrested six FIRs in the case. While three accused have been arrested so far, 24 others have been identified. The police have accused 25 in the case of violence in Patiala. Some of the accused are associated with Simranjit Singh Mann’s party Shiromani Akali Dal. 

Patiala IG Chhani also said on Saturday evening that the curfew was lifted in the area at 6 am and the internet services were also restored at 4 pm in the evening. 

On Friday afternoon, a clash broke out between two groups, Shiv Sena (Bal Thackeray) and some Sikh activists as the former took out an Anti-Khalistan march in Patiala. One group hurled stones at the other and the other resorted to brandishing swords as the police tried to control the situation. Four including police personnel were injured in the clash. The police said that the march was taken out without permission. 

In order to maintain the law and order situation, a curfew was imposed in Patiala from Friday evening at 7 pm to Saturday morning at 6 am. The internet services were also cut in the area on Saturday afternoon. 

(With Inputs From Jagwinder Patial)