MUMBAI: A written complain has been filed against actor John Abraham and his production company JA Ent in Mumbai's Khar police station. The complaint was lodged by Prernaa Arora's KriArj Entertainment.

"Complaint was filed by Kriarj Entertainment for commission of various criminal offences including cheating, breach of trust, fraud, misappropriation of funds and copyright infringement due to John and his company duping KriArj Entertainment out of the crores of rupees invested by KriArj Entertainment towards the production of the film Parmanu," KriArj said in a statement.

John Abraham had terminated his company's partnership with KriArj Entertainment, alleging "material breaches", including non-payment, and said it has no rights over the film "Parmanu: The Story of Pokhran".

Abraham's production house JA Entertainment published a trade notice in a city paper on Sunday, declaring that it was ending its partnership with Prerna Arora's Kriarj Entertainment.

KriArj had said in a response that JA Entertainment's decision was "invalid and illegal".