Parliament Winter Session: The leaders of the opposition created a massive ruckus in Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha leading to adjournment of both houses till 2 PM within minutes of the commencement of the session on Friday. The ruckus came as the Opposition has been collectively demanding discussion over the Lok Sabha security breach incident. 

Lok Sabha was  adjourned till 2 pm amid sloganeering by opposition MPs over the security breach incident that occured in the lower house. As far as Rajya Sabha is concerned, it was adjourned after Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar disallowed as many as 23 notices served by opposition MPs under Rule 267 seeking suspension of business for the day to discuss the December 13 security breach. 

"I am constrained to adjourn the House to meet at 2 pm today and request the Leader of Opposition, Leader of the House and floor leaders to meet me in my chamber immediately," the Rajya Sabha Chairman said, as quoted by ANI.

Here Are Top Points:

  • Rajya Sabha Chairman said that he had received 23 notices on the issue under Rule 267 and that he had apprised the House of the facts pertaining to the incident in the Lok Sabha. He further stated that an investigation into the matter is underway and shall be taken to its logical conclusion.

  • Several opposition parliamentarians staged a protest in front of the Gandhi Statue on Parliament premises on Friday, demanding action against BJP MP Pratap Simha in connection with the security breach incident.

  • Lok Sabha was also adjourned till 2 pm amid sloganeering by opposition MPs of the security breach incident. The members of the Opposition were seen holding placards with "Nation wants to know why no action against BJP MP Simha" written on them, as reported by ANI. "Why PM and HM are silent" and "Democracy under siege" read other placards.

  • In Rajya Sabha, some of the opposition parties also raised the issue of suspension of TMC member Derek O'Brien from the House for the remaining part of the Winter session scheduled to conclude on December 22.

  • Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge on Friday asked Union Home Minister Amit Shah why he was not giving a statement in Parliament on the security breach issue but was giving interviews to TV channels, as reported by news agency PTI. He also asked if "illegally" suspending MPs who asked questions on the Parliament breach was justice. "What kind of justice is it to illegally suspend opposition MPs over the huge lapse in security of Parliament and its MPs," Kharge asked. He said that leaders of various parties had met in the morning to discuss their joint strategy in both houses.

  • On Thursday, several MPs suspended on Thursday for disrupting the House with their protest on the security breach issue staged a silent protest in Parliament complex against the suspension. On the same day, the opposition pressed for a discussion and moved into the Well of the House. They shouted slogans and sought a response from Union Home Minister Amit Shah.

  • On security breach incident, Congress MP Shashi Tharoor said, "(Union) Home Minister gave the statement to the media, not to the House of which he's a member. This is supposed to be a parliamentary system and parliament is in session. The first place to which any government, minister is accountable is parliament. He should have come here and spoken that could have diffused the entire crisis... He should come here and tell the people, if he had spoken to the MPs, given his point of view, I'm sure this whole crisis could have been diffused. This is escalating only because of the stubbornness of those involved. And I must say, it's an unnecessary thing. We have important issues to discuss in parliament," as quoted by ANI.

  • On the Parliamentary security breach incident, AAP MP Raghav Chadha said, "Are opposition MPs demanding something illegitimate? Are they saying something wrong? They are just saying that a discussion should be done on the security breach of the most secured building in the country...I think the government should accept the demand. It's not a matter of some particular party or party politics but of the most secure building, the Indian Parliament. If the Parliament is not safe, is the country safe?," as quoted by ANI. 

  • In a major security breach inside the Lok Sabha on Wednesday on the anniversary of the 2001 Parliament attack, two people jumped from the audience gallery into the chamber and hurled gas cannisters. The incident led to panic and the Lok Sabha was adjourned. The two people have been detained.