Samajwadi Party leader Akhilesh Yadav slammed the Centre and the Uttar Pradesh government on Tuesday and alleged that the recent violence in Sambhal, Uttar Pradesh, was a well-planned conspiracy. He said the violence was designed to disrupt the longstanding communal harmony in an area known for its communal unity.
During a session in the Winter Session of the Lok Sabha, Yadav aired his concerns over the trial court-mandated survey of the Shahi Jama Masjid. He said it could undermine India's 'Ganga-Jamuni tehzeeb' — a term used to represent the cultural harmony of Hindu and Muslim traditions. Speaker Om Birla earlier permitted the SP to raise the Sambhal clashes issue in Lok Sabha, but disallowed any debate on it.
Yadav said that Sambhal has historically been a beacon of brotherhood. He said the recent violence was a "well-planned" conspiracy that threatened the communal peace. He slammed the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and its sister organisations for their rhetoric about excavation in the region, which he believes could further damage communal relations.
He called for accountability from local authorities, demanding the suspension of involved officials and legal action against them, claiming that the administration acted recklessly. "This government shows no regard for the Constitution," he said in Parliament.
The controversy began on November 19 when a civil judge in Sambhal issued an ex parte order for a survey of the mosque, following claims from Hindu petitioners asserting that it was constructed by Mughal emperor Babur in 1526 after demolishing a temple. Subsequent violence erupted on November 24, resulting in four fatalities and numerous injuries.
The Supreme Court later stayed the survey order.
Akhilesh Yadav said: "This Govt does not believe in the Constitution. A petition was filed against Shahi Jama Masjid in Sambhal. An order for a survey of the mosque was passed even before listening to the other side. On November 19, the survey was conducted and the report was to be given to the Court. However, on November 24, another survey was conducted, during which people gathered to know the reason for the survey."
He alleged that the Circle Officer abused the people gathered there and the police resorted to lathicharge. "After that, the police opened fire with their government as well as private weapons, during which dozens were injured and four innocent persons were killed... A murder case should be filed against police and administration and they should be suspended so that people can get justice and such an incident is not repeated in future," Yadav said.
(With PTI inputs.)