The Special Cell of Delhi Police has moved an application in Patiala House Court seeking permission to conduct a polygraph test on all the accused in the matter of the Palrimanent security breach on December 13. The matter is to be heard on January 2, 2024, by Additional Sessions Judge Hardeep Kaur as the counsel representating the accused was not present. A total of six accused have been held by the Delhi Police in the case.


The accused allegedly hatched a meticulously thought-out plan to breach the security of Parliament and had done a recce of the area beforehand. The accused belong to different states and come from diverse backgrounds. From a teacher to a driver, the team behind the breach made the plan in advance and were reportedly 'frustrated' with the government over issues such as unemployment among others. They were also mutual followers on a facebook fan page of freedom fighter Bhagat Singh and were inspired by him.

The Delhi Police had also presented the six accused before the court during the hearing. The accused, Manoranjan D, Sagar Sharma, Amol Dhanraj Shinde, Neelam Devi, Lalit Jha and Mahesh Kumawat were earlier sent to police custody till January 5. Public Prosecutor Akhand Pratap Singh, appearing on behalf of the Delhi Police had earlier told the court that "the attack was well planned". He also told the court that the custodial interrogation of the accused was needed to find out the "actual motive behind the attack," and to ascertain if they were linked to any terrorist outfits or any enemy country.

On December 13, when Parliament was in session during the Winter Session, on the 22nd anniversary of the 2001 terrorist attack on Parliament, two people jumped into the Lok Sabha chamber from the public gallery and sprayed yellow smoke from gas canisters. They shouted slogans and leapt across benches before they were overpowered by parliamentarians - triggering a massive security scare.