Bharatiya Janata Party MP Pratap Simha on Sunday spoke on the issue of Parliament security breach saying that people will ultimately decide whether he was a patriot or a traitor during the 2024 Lok Sabha polls. Two men had stormed into the Lok Sabha chamber on December 13 and set off smoke canisters, and were issued passes to the Parliament complex on the recommendation of Simha's office.

Not wanting to delve into anything regarding the incident and the probe, he said he will leave it to the gods and his reader fans to decide on the alleged "traitor" allegations made against him, reported news agency PTI. 

"Whether Pratap Simha is a traitor or a patriot -- mother Goddess Chamundeshwari sitting on the hills of Mysuru, mother Goddess Cauvery who is sitting on Brahmagiri, my reader fans across Karnataka who have been reading my writings for the last twenty years, and people of Mysuru and Kodgu who have seen my work for 9.5 years and my conduct on issues related country, dharma and nationalism -- will give their verdict through votes in Lok Sabha polls to be held in April, 2024," Simha said.

Responding to a question on posters that were put up calling him a "traitor", Sinha said, "They (people) are the ones who have to ultimately give the judgement,” while speaking to reporters in his Parliamentary constituency of Mysuru. 

“They will decide whether I'm a patriot. I leave it to their decision. I don't have anything to say other than that," he added. 

Following the Parliament security breach incident, Congress and some other organisations had staged a protest against Simha. 

On being asked whether his statement was recorded by the police Simha said: "I have said whatever I have to. I don't have anything else to say on this." 

Parliamentary Affairs Minister Pralhad Joshi on Friday had said the statement of Simha has been recorded as part of the probe in the Parliament security breach case.