Actor-turned-politician Kangana Ranaut on Friday shared her "jittery" experience as a first-time MP in Lok Sabha. She said that she was apprehensive of being attacked by the Opposition MPs in Lok Sabha. She said that as a first-time MP, she felt nervous as there was a lot of shouting on the floor.

"Even the Speaker rebuked them because the Opposition's conduct on the floor of the House left little difference between the streets and Parliament. But it seems that they [Opposition] are not ready to listen to anyone," she said.

"We are here for the first time and we were flummoxed as to what has happened... There was a lot of shouting. It felt as if they were preparing to attack. It felt bad to see them not letting anyone speak. Forgetting the discussion on the Motion of Thanks to the President's address, they were acting arbitrarily... I don't think such conduct should be acceptable," Kangana Ranaut said.

Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha Adjourned Amid Ruckus 

The Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha were adjourned till Monday, July 1, after a ruckus over the NEET issue. While the Opposition demanded a discussion on the NEET matter, Speaker Om Birla said that he would not allow an adjournment motion during the discussion on the President's address.

Leader of Opposition Rahul Gandhi claimed that his microphone was turned off, an allegation the Speaker refuted. Rahul Gandhi said that a discussion on the NEET paper leak matter must be allowed on the floor of the Lok Sabha to send a message to the youth of the country that the Opposition and the government were united in sympathising with sincere candidates and resolving their issues.

Both Houses had to be adjourned for over half an hour soon after proceedings began. However, the ruckus continued even after resumption of proceedings, following which Rajya Sabha Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar and Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla decided to adjourn proceedings of their respective Houses till Monday.