Lok Sabha on Thursday paid tribute to Gangster-turned-politician Atiq Ahmed on the first day of the Monsoon Session. The Lower House paid tributes to two sitting members and 11 former MPs, including ex-chief minister of Punjab Parkash Singh Badal. Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Union Home Minister Amit Shah, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh, and Congress leaders Sonia Gandhi and Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury were among the senior politicians who were present in the House when the obituary was read.

Atiq Ahmed was among the former parliamentarians who were mentioned in the Lok Sabha Obituary. LS Speaker Om Birla paid tributes to sitting MPs Rattan Lal Kataria and Balubhau alias Suresh Narayan Dhanorkar.

Ranjit Singh, Sujan Singh Bundela, Sandipan Thorat, Viswanadham Kanithi, Trilochan Kanungo, Ilyas Azmi, Anadi Charan Das, Nihal Singh and Raj Karan Singh were among other parliamentarians remembered in the House.

Atiq Ahmed was among the deceased members honoured with an obituary as he had served a term as a member of Lok Sabha.

In 2004, Atiq Ahmed resigned from his MLA seat in Allahabad after he was elected as the Lok Sabha Member of Parliament for Phulpur on a Samajwadi Party ticket. His later attempts at contesting the Lok Sabha elections in 2009 and 2019 were unsuccessful.

Ahmad and his brother Ashraf were shot dead at point-blank range by three men posing as journalists in the middle of a media interaction on April 15 while police personnel were escorting them to a medical college for a checkup.

The brothers, both imprisoned in Prayagraj, were handcuffed when they were killed in full view of camera crews around 10 pm. The shocking visuals were circulated widely on social media platforms and television channels.

The three assailants, who were arrested immediately after the incident.

As per UP Police, Ahmad was named in more than 100 criminal cases, including the Umesh Pal murder case.

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