New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday interacted with students, teachers and parents during a Pariksha Pe Charcha programme to address the concerns of education sector during the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.

In the first edition of 'Pariksha Pe Charcha', PM Modi said: "We have been living amid Corona for past one year. I had to leave behind the urge to meet you all and come to you via a new format. To not meet you in person, to not experience your enthusiasm is a huge loss for me."

PM Modi started the interaction by first taking question from two students (Pallavi and Arpan) who asked who asked him how to defeat the fear of examination. Anwering the question, PM Modi said that students do not fear exams, but get influenced by people and pressure of surroundings.

"You knew of exams. They haven't come suddenly. It means you're not scared of exams but of something else. Atmosphere has been created around you that exams are everything. Sometimes schools, parents, relatives create atmosphere that you have to undergo a big event, huge crisis," Prime Minister adviced.

PM Modi also urged parents and relatives not to pressurise students do perform in examinations. 

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During his address, PM Modi interacted with several students, teachers and parents from different parts of the country and abroad via video-conferencing. 

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