New Delhi: A controversy has erupted after photos of a Pakistani model posing for a clothing brand without a headscarf at Gurdwara Darbar Sahib in Kartarpur went viral on social media. 

The photos, uploaded by Pakistani fashion brand Mannat Clothing, of the model Sauleha, invited criticism from Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) and Punjab leaders for hurting the religious sentiments of the Sikh community.

Covering one's head at a gurdwara with a headscarf is mandatory and is considered a sign of showing respect.

"Such behaviour and act at pious place of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji is totally unacceptable! Can she dare to do the same at her religious place in Pakistan?" tweted SAD spokesperson Manjinder Singh Sirsa tagging Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan.

An Indian journalist, Ravinder Singh, also tweeted, "Modelling bareheaded for ladies' attire, in the premises of Gurdwara Sri Darbar Sahib at Kartarpur Sahib in Pakistan, by a Lahorite woman has (severely) hurt the religious sentiments of Sikhs."

Pakistani Model Apologises For Incident

The model has now deleted the photos and apologised for the incident on the official Instagram page. However, both the brand and the model clarified that the pictures were not part of a photoshoot.

"Recently, I posted a picture on Instagram that was not even a part of a shoot or anything. I just went to Kartarpur to learn about the history and know about the Sikh community. It wasnt done to hurt anyone sentiments or anything for that matter. However, if I have hurt anyone or they think that I dont respect there culture. I am Sorry," she wrote in her Instagram post.

What Has The Pakistan Govt Said

Following the outrage in India, the Punjab government in Pakistan said strict action would be taken against all culprits. 

"CM Punjab Usman Buzdar has taken strict notice of the incident at Kartarpur's gurdwara and asked for a complete report from the chief secretary. A thorough inquiry will be done on this incident. CM Punjab reiterated that all religions are respected in Pakistan," the Government of Punjab tweeted.

Punjab Police also said they were investigating all aspects related to the incident and strict legal action would be taken. "Management of concerned brand and model are being investigated. Worship places of all religions are equally respectable," Punjab Police tweeted.

Pakistan's Information Minister Fawad Chaudhry also said that the designer and model must apologise to the Sikh community. "Kartarpur Sahib is a religious symbol and not a film set," he tweeted.