New Delhi: Amid tall claims of peace gesture, Pakistan has deployed additional forces along the Line of Control in Kashmir, following which the Indian Army has also become more alert.  Pakistan’s mobilization of additional troops comes at a time when the country is claiming aloud that it initiated a peace gesture with India.

The additional troops and military equipment have been mobilised from its frontier with Afghanistan to forward positions in several sensitive sectors along the LoC in Kashmir, PTI said citing sources in the security establishment.

On Wednesday, the Indian Army also issued a strong warning to Pakistan against targeting civilians along the LoC, warning that any further provocation or misadventure from its side will have “dire consequences.”

Pakistan on Wednesday targeted forward posts in Nowshera sector with 155 mm artillery guns which was retaliated by the Indian Army with Bofors guns, following which the warning was issued.

Later in a statement, the Army said: “Post our warning to the Pakistan Army “not to target civilian areas”, the overall situation along the Line of Control remains relatively calm. In the last 24 hours, the Pakistan Army resorted to intense and unprovoked firing with heavy caliber weapons in selected areas of Krishna Ghati and Sunderbani, targeting Indian posts and civilian areas with Mortar bombs and heavy Arty Guns. The same was effectively retaliated by the Indian Army. There have been no casualties on the Indian side.”

“We would reiterate that as a professional Army we are committed to avoid civil casualties, especially along the Line of Control. All actions taken by our defence forces are targeted towards counter terrorism and terrorist infrastructure, away from civilian areas, to avoid civilian casualties”, it said. “We are maintaining strict vigil along the Line of Control and IB. Any further provocation or misadventure by Pakistan will be responded in a befitting manner with dire consequences.

Sources said the military officials of the two armies spoke over the hotline on Tuesday during which India had asked Pakistani side not to target civilian population along the LoC.

Tensions between the two countries escalated after Indian fighters bombed terror group Jaish-e-Mohammed's biggest training camp near Balakot deep inside Pakistan on February 26, in response to terror attack in Pulwama by JeM.