Several prominent opposition leaders, including Mani Shankar Aiyar, Manoj Jha, and KC Tyagi, issued a joint statement on Monday (October 16) after a meeting with the Palestinian envoy in Delhi. The statement emphasises the importance of peacefully resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and addressing Gaza's dire humanitarian crisis.

The opposition leaders' statement emphasises their belief that violence is not a solution because it only perpetuates a cycle of destruction and suffering. They urge the international community to put pressure on Israel to comply with international law and protect the Palestinian people's rights and dignity. Diplomatic and multilateral initiatives are being urged to achieve long-term peace in the region.

The leaders expressed deep concern about the ongoing crisis in Gaza and the suffering of the Palestinian people, and they strongly condemn Israel's indiscriminate bombing, describing it as an attempt at genocide. "The critical humanitarian situation necessitates immediate attention and action. All necessary steps must be taken to ensure that essential supplies, such as food, water, and medical aid, reach the affected population without hindrance," the statement read.

The leaders cited Mahatma Gandhi's statement, "Palestine belongs to the Arabs in the same sense that England belongs to the English and France belongs to the French," reflecting his belief in recognising the Palestinian people's sovereignty and memorial rights, similar to any other nation's right to their homeland.

Recognizing the enduring suffering of the Palestinian people for over 75 years, the statement called for the international community to acknowledge the establishment of an independent Palestinian state along the 1967 borders in accordance with UN resolutions. Such recognition, according to the opposition leaders, is a crucial step toward a just and lasting solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, granting the Palestinian people the opportunity to determine their own destiny and live in peace and security.