Article 370 Abrogation: 5th August 2019 redefined everything for the residents of Jammu and Kashmir. Today marks the completion of one year of the abrogation of special status to Jammu and Kashmir under Article 370.

A year after Home Minister Amit Shah announced of revoking Article 370 and Article 35A from Jammu and Kashmir and bifurcated the state into two Union territories as J&K and Ladakh the Centre claims that peace and normalcy prevail in the Valley along with development.

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A year after stripping Kashmir of its autonomy, the Centre has successfully thwarted widespread protests and violence shifting the focus on the health sector, ease of governance, and democratic decentralization.

According to officials, fall in stone-pelting incidents and continued crackdown on separatist leaders in Jammu and Kashmir are key factors of a decreasing trend of violence since the abrogation of Article 370 from the Jammu and Kashmir.

Statistics show a decreasing trend of violence

There has been barely any bandh call during the last one year by separatist groups, which have virtually become non-functional after the government arrested their main leaders like Yasin Malik of JKLF in a 1990 case of gunning down IAF personnel and Shahbir Shah of Jammu and Kashmir Democratic Freedom Party (JKDFP) in a 2007 money laundering case.

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According to officials, statistics show a declining trend of violence, the officials said there were 532 incidents of stone-pelting in 2018, 389 in 2019, and 102 in 2020.

The incidents of stone-pelting were down by 27 percent in 2019 in comparison to 2018 and 73 percent in 2020.

The Valley has largely remained peaceful due to enhanced security measures and a massive deployment of troops.

Fragile economy

Kashmir’s economy was already fragile and the closing of shops and small businesses followed by lockdown triggered by COVID-19 made things hard for the businesses, both small and big.

Internet shutdown

Jammu and Kashmir Lieutenant Governor GC Murmu’s recent statement that he has no objection in restoring 4G services in the Union Territory raised hopes of the restoration of high-speed internet in the Valley. However, after intelligence agencies said they had inputs that anti-national activities will increase over the coming weeks following which the Jammu and Kashmir administration extended the ban on 4G internet services till August 19.

Leaders under house-arrest
The erstwhile state -- which was granted the status of a Union Territory a year ago following the abrogation -- is yet to elect a government over two years after a split in the PDP-BJP combine led to President's rule.

The last serving chief minister of the semi-autonomous state, Mehbooba Mufti is still under house arrest even though the government has released several key opposition leaders and former chief ministers.

Mufti’s detention was extended by three months under the Public Safety Act (PSA), ahead of the expiry of her current detention order on 5 August this year. Her former aide and ex-MLA Sajad Lone, who founded the Jammu and Kashmir People's Conference, was released from detention this week.

"Finally 5 days short of a year I have been officially informed that I am a free man. So much has changed. So have I. Jail was not a new experience. Earlier ones were harsh with usual doses of physical torture. But this was psychologically draining. Much to share hopefully soon". Sajad Lone

Main Terror outfits eliminated

Before August 5, 2019, the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) deployed 300 companies in J&K and later another 200 companies were deployed. As per the latest figures, there has been a significant decline in terror activities in the valley.

According to a report by IANS, this year till July, a total of 120 terror-related cases were reported compared to 188 cases last year during the same period.

Similarly, this year till July, 35 security personnel lost their lives in the line of duty, and last year during the same period 75 security personnel had lost their lives fighting terrorists.

Many top tier terrorists were killed including Riyaz Naikoo and Manan Wani from Hizbul Mujahideen have been eliminated.

Pakistan's restlessness for Kashmir

The Imran Khan-led Cabinet approved a new political map On Tuesday, which includes territories of Jammu and Kashmir and a part of Ladakh. As per the new map approved by the Pakistan cabinet, the new political map claims certain territories of Jammu and Kashmir as belonging to Pakistan.

As per reports, Pakistan Prime Minister has decided to present the new political map at the United Nations as well.

Rejecting the new map, India termed Pakistan’s assertions as “ridiculous” saying it neither had legal validity nor international credibility adding that this decision only confirms “reality of Pakistan's obsession with territorial aggrandisement supported by cross-border terrorism.”

In his statement, Khan has said that the new political map is against the BJP government’s August 5 decision.