The Opposition on Friday, slammed the BJP over its decision to form a panel 'one nation, one election' proposal and alleged that it was a conspiracy of the saffron party to hold early Lok Sabha polls. 

Reacting to the Centre's decision to form a committee led by former President Ram Nath Kovind to explore the possibility of the idea, Shiv Sena (UBT) MP Sanjay Raut said: "The country is already one. Is anyone questioning that? We demand fair elections, not 'one nation one election'. This funda of 'one nation one election' is being brought to divert the attention from our demand for fair elections... They [Centre] have brought this to postpone our demand for a fair election."

ALSO READ | Will Discuss Issue After Kovind-Led Panel Submits Report: Centre On One Nation, One Election Idea

Anil Desai, Shiv Sena (Uddhav Balasaheb Thackeray) leader while talking about 'One Nation, One Election' said, "One nation, one election, whatever the concept is that needs to be put forward to the political parties across the spectrum and then the thoughts, contribution, deliberation and discussion would take place and then the decision would come."

ALSO READ | Ahead Of Special Parliament Session, Centre Forms Panel To Explore Possibility Of 'One Nation, One Election'

Congress leader Arif Naseem Khan said, “It is unprecedented for a former President to be brought in for political perspective for such a committee."

JMM leader Mahua Manjhi said, “Some are saying that this will save money, but a lot of the country’s money is being used on the promotion of the ruling government. This will also affect the regional parties as the big parties will be able to control the narrative."

The 'One Nation, One Election' committee has been formed under the chairmanship of former President Ram Nath Kovind.