Happy Onam 2020: Even as the Covid outbreak has dampened festivities across the world, but people are trying best to keep up the spirit and enjoy the festivals within the confines of their homes. One such popular festival celebrated in Kerala is Onam that falls in the month of August and September. Also known as the harvest festival, Onam 2020 is being marked by the Malayali community across the world and celebrated with a lot of zest. ALSO READ | PM Modi Wishes Citizens On Onam, Calls It Unique Festival Which Celebrates Harmony

The festival is so popular among other communities, too, that people look forward to Sadhya, the popular feast which is made from specific ingredients and seasonal vegetables and served on a banana leaf.

What is the significance?

Onam is also known as Thiru-Onam or Thiruvonam and celebrated in the first month of the Malayalam calendar, Chingam. The celebration continues for a period of 10 days and this year too, the celebration were marked from August 22 and continue till September 2.

Onam celebrations are typically synonymous with the famous ‘Vallam Kali‘ (the boat races), ‘Pulikali‘ (the tiger dances), and beautiful flower rangolis known as Pookkalam,  ‘Onathappan‘ (the worship), ‘Onam Kali‘, dances Thumbi Thullal, ‘Kummattikali‘ (mask dances), ‘Onathallu‘ (martial arts), ‘Onavillu‘ (music), ‘Kazhchakkula‘ (plantain offerings), ‘Onapottan‘ (costumes), and ‘Atthachamayam‘ (folk songs and dances), among others.

It is celebrated with much enthusiasm where people offer prayers, and women wear a traditional white and gold saree called the Kasavu saree - engage in dance performances, and cook traditional feasts called sadya.

What does the legend say?

According to the popular legend, the festival of Onam commemorates the return of King Mahabali, much-beloved demon King to Kerala during this festival. It is believed that King Mahabali, a demon king who belonged to the Asura tribe had defeated the Gods and began ruling over all three worlds which left other Gods insecure of King Mahabali’s popularity. It is then Lord Vishnu had stepped in to control the situation.

Lord Vishnu appeared in the form of the Brahmin dwarf Vamana, which is seen as his fifth avatar and visited King Mahabali. As per the legend King Mahabali asked Vamana about his wish to which Vamana responded, “three pieces of land”. After the wish was granted wish, Vamana grew in size and covered the sky, and the netherworld in two steps.

When Lord Vishnu was about to take his third step, King Mahabali offered his own head to the God. It is when Lord Vishnu granted Mahabali the right to visit his kingdom and people every year during Onam festivities.