New Delhi: A day after being handed over the charge of Defence Ministry of the country; Rajnath Singh visited National War Memorial on Saturday morning. The purpose of the visit was to pay tribute to Indian martyrs, who lost their lives fighting for the country.

Rajnath was also accompanied by the Army Chief Bipin Rawat, newly appointed Naval Chief Admiral Karambir Singh and Airforce Chief BS Dhanoa as he placed a wreath at the National War Memorial adjoining the India Gate in the national capital.

Rajnath is set to take charge of his new office at 12pm non Saturday.

As India's new defence minister, Rajnath Singh's most crucial challenge will be to speed up the long-delayed modernisation of the three services besides ensuring overall coherence in their combat readiness.

His another challenge will be to ensure peace and tranquillity along the frontier with China while developing required military infrastructure to deal with any possible Chinese hostility.
As he takes charge of the ministry just three months after India carried out air strikes on a terrorist training camp in Pakistan's Balakot, it is expected that he will continue with the policy of hot pursuit in dealing with cross border terrorism.
Containing infiltration of terrorists into Jammu and Kashmir from Pakistan will be another key focus area.
As the Defence Minister, Singh will face the challenge of strengthening the combat capabilities of the Army, Navy and the Air Force due to changing regional security matrix and geo-political dynamics.
The forces have been pressing for equipping them to deal with hybrid warfare and Singh will have to attend to this crucial demand.
The government has been focusing on domestic defence production and Singh will have to carry forward a number of big-ticket reform initiatives, including implementing the ambitious "strategic partnership" model.