Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday recounted the key moments of the old Parliament building including passing of bill against triple talaq, striking down of Article 370, and decriminalising Article 377. Addressing parliamentarians at the Central Hall ahead of shifting to the new building, the PM said, "Today, we are going to do 'Shree Ganesha' of new future as we move to the new Parliament building." "It was here in 1947 that the British did the transfer of power, our Central Hall is a witness of that historic moment,"he said. 

"So far, Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha have passed over 4,000 laws. When required, joint sessions were held to chalk out strategies to pass bills. It was this Parliament that let us rectify our mistakes and we passed the law against triple talaq," he added. 

Speaking on the triple talaq law, Modi said, "Muslim mothers and sisters got justice because of this Parliament, law opposing 'triple talaq' was unitedly passed from here. In the last few years." 

"Parliament has also passed laws giving justice to the transgenders. We have unitedly passed laws that will guarantee a bright future for the specially-abled people. It is our privilege that we got the opportunity to abrogate Article 370 from the Parliament," he added.

PM Modi's speech laid significant stress on "Indian aspiration" in his speech saying it is our responsibility and the expectation of each and every Indian. 

"Whatever reforms are made here, Indian aspiration should be our priority. Can anyone ever make a big picture on a small canvas? Just as we cannot make a big picture on a small canvas, in the same way, if we cannot enlarge the canvas of our thinking, we will not be able to paint a picture of a grand India."

"We have to make the right decisions at the right time for the future. We cannot restrict ourselves to just thinking about the political benefits...Knowledge and innovation are the demands and we should focus on it. After Chandrayaan-3's success, our youth is inspired by the science and technology sector. We do not have to miss this opportunity," he said. 

Concluding his speech, the Prime Minister proposed that the old Parliament be known as 'Samvidhan Sadan' (Constitiution House).