New Delhi: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Wednesday said "the BJP's Lt. Governor" Anil Baijal has taken "full illegal control" of the bureaucrats in the national capital following which the officers are openly refusing to follow his (CM's) orders.
In a series of tweets, he also said the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), which is running the central government, is stopping the officers from working.
"After getting defeated in the Supreme Court, the BJP's LG has taken full illegal control over the bureaucrats. The officers are openly being told not to follow orders of the Delhi government," he said.
"Ever heard that the officers openly refused to follow the orders of the Cabinet or the Chief Minister? The BJP wants to keep Services to it for these reasons only. Whole Delhi should see how shamelessly the BJP is stopping the doorstep delivery of rations to the poor. Just remember this while you go for voting the next time," he said.
The Food and Supplies Commissioner on Tuesday had referred the proposal for doorstep delivery of ration to the Law Department saying that it falls under the National Food Security Act, 2013, a law made by the Parliament.
Sharing a news report, Kejriwal said this proves the tie-up between the LG and the officers.
"This is clearly seen from where the officers are getting the order to not work. The fight is directly between the public and the Central government. I will continue my fight for the people of Delhi. The public will win," he said.
Last month, Kejriwal had staged a nine-day sit-in at the LG's office as the IAS officers in Delhi were not attending the meetings called by the Delhi ministers.
He called off the sit-in after the IAS officers started attending meetings with ministers.
The tussle between Baijal and Kejriwal over the Services in Delhi started after the July 4 order of the Supreme Court which gave primacy to the Delhi government on all matters except three -- public order, police and land.
Officers are openly defying my orders: Kejriwal
Updated at:
11 Jul 2018 03:24 PM (IST)
Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Wednesday said "the BJP's Lt. Governor" Anil Baijal has taken "full illegal control" of the bureaucrats in the national capital following which the officers are openly refusing to follow his (CM's) orders.
Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal hailed the Supreme Courts verdict on Wednesday. (PTI)
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