Days after being suspended as Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) functionary, Nupur Sharma on Tuesday reacted for the first time after making global headlines over her derogatory remarks against Prophet Mohammedand and said that she "accepts and respects" party's decision. BJP suspended Sharma, who was the national spokesperson of the saffron party and expelled its Delhi unit's media head Naveen Kumar Jindal as the row over their alleged remarks escalated with protests from some Muslim countries.

When asked by reporters over BJP's action against her, Sharma said: "I have practically grown up in the organisation. I respect and accept their decision." Several Muslim nations, including Afghanistan, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, Indonesia and Iran witnessed massive protests by Muslim groups against the BJP.

However, the saffron party has maintained its distance from the controversy and issued a statement asserting that it respects all religions and strongly denounces insult of any religious personality. 

After being suspended from the party, Sharma even issued an apology and said she unconditionally withdraw her statement. "I have been attending TV debates for the past many days where our Mahadev was being insulted and disrespected continuously. It was mockingly being said that it is not Shivling but a fountain. The Shivling was also being ridiculed by comparing it to roadside signs and poles in Delhi," she tweeted.

Earlier in the day, Sharma was provided security by the Delhi Police in the wake of death threats she has received over her controversial remarks. Former BJP spokesperson had lodged a complaint with the Delhi Police on May 27 alleging that she has been receiving death threats and target hatred against her.

Meanwhile, the Maharashtra Police asked Sharma to appear before them on June 22 to record her statement in connection with the case. An FIR has been registered against Sharma by the Mumbra police in the Thane district neighbouring Mumbai following her remarks. 

Even the Mumbai Police have asked the concerned news channel to hand over the video clip which shows Sharma making the alleged objectionable statements.