New Delhi: The Nuh police on Wednesday arrested the truck driver who had allegedly mowed down a Haryana Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) probing illegal mining, news agency PTI reported. The key accused in the case, Sabbir, alias Mittar, was arrested from Rajasthan’s Bharatpur district, police said. He was arrested following the interrogation of Ikkar, another accused in the case.

"We arrested the main accused, Sabbir, alias Mittar, from the Pahari police station area of Bharatpur in Rajasthan. The accused, who is around 30 years of age, hails from Pachgaon. He had fled to his relatives. We are trying to nab his other accomplices," PTI quoted Nuh SP Varun Singla as saying.

Notably, Tauru DSP Surendra Singh, who was probing the illegal stone-mining, was killed on Tuesday when a truck he had signalled to stop in Haryana’s Nuh district drove into him.

According to the report, the DSP had gone to Pachgaon near Tauru to conduct raids against illegal mining in the Aravalli hills.

Meanwhile, as a mark of protest, the shopkeepers downed shutters in Tauru town of Haryana’s Nuh district on Wednesday.

Various organisations, including the Haryana PWD workers' union and school teacher association, took out a protest march demanding the immediate arrest of the accused. Schools were also shut down in the town over the incident.

Public transport vehicles were seen to be plying but there were very few people on the roads.

Demanding the immediate arrest of the accused and stringent action against them, the protesters marched up to Sub-Divisional Magistrate Surender Pal's office and submitted a memorandum to him.