Amid ongoing protests by the wrestlers at Delhi’s Jantar Mantar, Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) chief Brij Bhushan Singh said that 'tukde tukde gang' has joined the protest and that the agitation now is also against Prime Minister Narendra Modi. He said that laws related to sexual harassment are flawed and are being misused against him, reported ANI. He said that the laws were made with good intentions but are being used by some as a ‘weapon’ against people they have a problem with. Brij Bhushan made the remarks while speaking with reporters in Ayodhya on Friday.
The BJP MP and WFI chief, Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh has been accused of sexually harassing young athletes, including a minor.
Speaking on the protests, he said that when the protest began, the key demand of the wrestlers was to have him step down from his position of WFI chief by 4 PM that day. "But now, the protest is also against PM Modi, Yogi (Adityanath). Congress, Aam Aadmi Party and 'tukde tukde gang' have joined it. Protests reached Punjab and from there, Canada. Do protests against me in Canada make any sense?" he further said.
Reacting to the allegations, as per ANI, he said, "There are some flaws in the law. These laws are being misused. It is not only in my case. You could get someone from your neighbourhood who is facing these laws. The law was made with good intentions, but it is being misused by people as a weapon against the ones they have problems with of any kind."
The BJP MP said, "They should have gone back home after Delhi Police registered an FIR. This is no longer their (wrestlers') agitation. Some more people are involved and are misguiding wrestlers. Like Bajrang Punia had said that if he knows how to bow his head down to someone, he knows how to behead someone. What kind of language is this? Whose head do you want to cut? You used to respect Brij Bhushan a while back, used to touch his feet and now look at his language."
Meanwhile, thousands of supporters of the wrestlers on Tuesday held a candlelight protest from Jantar Mantar to India Gate under heavy security marking a month of the agitation.
Earlier, Vinesh Phogat said that the grapplers have decided to hold a women's Maha Panchayat in front of the new Parliament building on May 28. "We have decided to hold a peaceful women's Maha Panchayat in front of the new Parliament building on May 28," she said.
Notably, Prime Minister Narendra Modi is set to inaugurate the new Parliament building on Sunday (May 28).
Several top grapplers including Bajrang Punia, Vinesh Phogat and Sakshi Mallik have been protesting at the Jantar Mantar against the WFI chief Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh. They have accused him of sexual harassment and are demanding his arrest.
The first part of the protest was held earlier this year. Following the agitation, the Union Minister for Youth Affairs and Sports, Anurag Thakur, announced the formation of an 'oversight committee' to probe allegations against the WFI, Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh and some coaches. Wrestling Federation of India Assistant Secretary Vinod Tomar is also named as an accused in the FIR.
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