New Delhi: The ink has spread from the ballot to the banking finger and the banks are claiming that the crowd inside the banks has reduced after the introduction of indelible ink in the banks, which is in fact beneficial for the customers waiting in the queues. On the other hand, the government has tightened the noose and declared that person depositing money beyond 50k in the bank would be under income tax’s scanner.

Now, any person who goes to the bank to deposit beyond Rs 50,000 will have to deposit his pank card and give all his details. The same has been implemented to keep a check on the people who send 'ghost' noters to deposit their money, just like it happens during the elections, where people send ghost voters in their palace.

Even at ATMs people’s plight has not yet reduced, as with Rs two lakhs in 100-rupee notes being filled at one go in ATMs which are yet to be recalibrated, these are going dry with only 100 people withdrawing Rs 2000 each with one card, even as serpentine queues form as soon as word spread that ATMs were replenished with money.

People of low and medium income groups in general have welcomed the move despite weathering the hardship.