Jammu and Kashmir Director General of Police Dilbag Singh on Saturday said that there are no "top commanders" of terrorists in the region adding that 44 of them have been neutralised this year. He said that terrorism has reached its "lowest level" in J&K due to the support of the locals including the youth. 

The DGP said, "There is no top commanders left. We have neutralised 44 top commanders this year and now we have to look for the top commanders." He said that militants have been wiped from every district of Jammu except one, and the remaining will be finished too. 

"In Jammu, all the districts are free from militancy except one where three-four militants are left. Action is being taken there also. There is no day when no module comes to the fore and we don't foil them," the DGP said.  

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He informed reporters that police along with the security forces are thwarting Pakistan’s attempt to spoil the atmosphere in the region. 

He said," We are being more proactive than what is needed. The police along with security forces are foiling the conspiracy by Pakistan to spoil the atmosphere here. Those who think of joining the militancy ranks, think several times before picking up the gun. The militancy has reached its lowest level once again. We do counselling of the youth and tell them that the Pakistan agencies caused a lot of bloodshed in the last 30 years here. There is a need to work against it today."  

The DGP credited the youth of playing a major role in lowering the militancy here. 

"We have the support of a large chunk of the population, including youth which is why the militancy has come down to a big extent and the left part will be finished," Singh added.  


(With Agency Inputs)