New Delhi: No state governed by Congress or its supporters has been able to provide the first dose of COVID-19 vaccination to more than 90% of its population and the second dosage to more than 50% of its citizens, according to government sources, ANI reported.

The sources claimed that at least seven BJP-ruled states had more than 90% coverage of the first dosage of the covid-19 vaccinated and eight BJP-ruled states had 50% coverage of the second dose.

Covid-19 Vaccination Data

Only 66.2 per cent of individuals in Jharkhand, which has a coalition government that includes both the JMM and the Congress, have received the first dose of vaccination, while 30.8 per cent have received the second dosage.

In Punjab, 72.5% of the population has received the first dose of the vaccination, with 32.8 per cent receiving the second dosage. In Tamil Nadu, the figures for the first and second doses of vaccination are 78.1 per cent and 42.65 per cent, respectively; in Maharashtra, the figures are 80.11 per cent and 42.5 per cent; in Chhattisgarh, the figures are 83.2 per cent and 47.2 per cent; in Rajasthan, the figures are 84.2 per cent and 46.9 per cent; and in Trinamool Congress-ruled West Bengal, the figures are 86.6 per cent and 39.4 per cent.

In Himachal Pradesh and Goa, both BJP-ruled states, the first dosage of vaccination was provided to the whole population. While Himachal Pradesh has a second dose rate of 91.9 per cent, and Goa has a rate of 87.9 per cent.

In Gujarat, the first and second dosage rates are 93.5 per cent and 70.3 per cent, respectively. Uttarakhand has 93.0 per cent and 61.7 per cent, Madhya Pradesh has 92.8 per cent and 62.9 per cent, Karanataka has 90.9 per cent and 59.1 per cent, Haryana has 90.04 per cent and 48.3 per cent, Assam has 88.9 per cent and 50%, and Tripura has 80.5 per cent and 63.5 per cent.

(With inputs from ANI)