New Delhi: Shiv Sena issued a warning to the Bharatiya Janata Party in its mouthpiece Saamna and made it aware of its diminished power in gestures and said that this time there was no “maha janadesh” for the BJP. The editorial which criticizes BJP, has recognized the growing power of Sharad Pawar’s NCP and the Congress.

Issuing a warning to the BJP, Sena said that the trend of Maharashtra assembly elections shows that people do not tolerate excess.

“No excess, or you will finished,” the editorial stated.

“People of Maharashtra have spoken. You did not get a huge mandate. Do not go to excess. If you try to do so, you will be finished,” the party said in the editorial. It also said : “ You did not get majority on your own”

The Sena organ said the mandate has rejected the BJP's thinking that elections can be swept by engineering defections and splitting opposition parties.

People have also taught a lesson to turncoats, it said, referring to large-scale desertions from the NCP- Congress to the ruling camp.

BJP said that the people of Maharashtra haven’t given a huge mandate to the BJP and that the party should accept it with humility.

It also praised the opposition parties for their performance as they managed to get at least 100 seats.

It hailed NCP’s performance and said that it managed to secure a good number of seats despite several attempts to create a rift within the party.

"Maharashtra doesn't accept arrogance of power," the editorial said and added, "Our feet were always on the ground."

The BJP-Sena combine bagged around 160 seats in Maharashtra, way below their expectation of crossing the 200- mark.