Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Wednesday replied to the no-confidence motion tabled by the Opposition in Lok Sabha. Speaking in the Lower House of the Parliament, the Union minister once again invoked “Nehru’s mistake” and addressed the Manipur issue. He said that the no-confidence motion has been brought only to “create a delusion” and said “Opposition may not have confidence in PM Modi but people of India have.” During his speech, Shah talked about terrorism in Kashmir, insurgency in Naxal-hit states and the ethnic violence in Manipur. 

Shah said that the Article 370 was a “wrong policy” of former Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru and that by abrogating it, Prime Minister Narendra Modi fixed the problem. 

On the issue of northeast, Shah lashed at the Opposition saying it did nothing for the region whereas PM Modi visited the states more than 50 times. 

ALSO READ: UPA Fought Only To Save Govt: Amit Shah's Attack On Oppn During No-Trust Vote Debate

Here are the top points during Amit Shah’s speech in the Lok Sabha 

  • “The reforming decision of Kashmir was taken by PM Narendra Modi. Article 370 was a mistake by the Jawaharlal Nehru Government, which was abrogated on August 5, 2019 by this great Parliament.” 

  • “There has been a reduction of 68 percent in terror incidents in the last nine years of the Modi government." 

  • “Article 370 was the result of the wrong policy of former PM Nehru; PM Modi took the historic decision to completely merge J-K with India.”  

  • “We will not hold talks with Pakistan, Hurriyat, Jamiat but only with the youth of Kashmir.”

  • "PM Modi has visited Northeast more than 50 times in the last nine years. This shows that the Northeast is part of our country. They are questioning us over the Northeast, when they themselves did nothing for the region."

  • "I agree with the opposition's claim that there has been excessive violence in Manipur. In fact, we are more hurt than them (opposition). Such incidents have happened there that we should be ashamed as a society. However, while the incidents are shameful, doing politics on it is even more shameful."

  • "PM Modi has worked towards bringing the North East into the mainstream. They (opposition) have done nothing for the North East.”

  • “From day one, I was ready for discussion (on Manipur) but they didn’t want a discussion, they only wanted to protest. Had they been unsatisfied with my discussion, then they could have asked the PM to speak,.”