New Delhi: Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar on Monday addressed a press conference and lashed out at Bharatiya Janta Party government for not finding a solution to the issue of the farmers. Nitish's briefing came in the wake of massive farmer protests in Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu and Madhya Pradesh.

  • In the wake of ongoing farmer protests, Nitish urged the government to decide a good price for the produce of the farmers, in order to put a halt to their deaths. CM said, "farmers aren't receiving good price for their produce"

  • CM also took a jibe at Prime Minister Narendra Modi for his statement on loan waver and said, "loan wavers won't end the ordeals of the farmers and government needs to make policy at national level in favour of farmers

  • Nitish also accused the government of not meeting the tall promises that were made by them to the farmers

  • Nitish thereafter hit out at Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath and dares him to conduct a re-election in UP and Bihar in order to check their popularity and see how much do people like their work

  • Nitish further termed the farmer protest as agrarian crisis and said, "Inadequate and low procurement prices for farmers' produce is basis of current agrarian crisis"