After Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) named Lalu Yadav, Rabri Devi and Tejashwi Yadav in the chargesheet for 'land for jobs' case , Bihar BJP leader Ajay Alok on Tuesday said that Chief Minister Nitish Kumar will resign in just 10-15 days from now. He added that Kumar is now riding on the swing of 3 Cs — Crime, Corruption and Communism, that he used to talk about. The BJP leader then launched an attack on the Yadavs by saying, "Earlier they were saying that why hasn't the chargesheet been filed yet if we are guilty, and now when it has been filed then they are blaming Modi for it."
Launching a scathing attack on Nitish Kumar Alok said, "Nitish Kumar has now become the guardian of corruption. He is now riding on the swing of the 3 Cs that he used to talk about viz. Crime, Corruption and Communism. He is with criminals, so many criminals are in his cabinet from top to bottom. Lalu Yadav inaugurated the book written on the biography of Chief Minister Nitish Kumar. Both of them are an excellent example of corruption. He appeases the Muslims by wearing Taqiyah (Muslim cap). He did Iftar at 150 places and he talks about communism? He is the prime example of CCC. His staying as the CM of Bihar for even an hour is dragging Bihar back a month. He will resign immediately, within 10-15 days only."
Alok while hitting out at Lalu Yadav said, "You take money in exchange for jobs in Railways. You give them jobs. Take money from the poor. Evidence is found. Term house of Rs 4 crores as worth mere few lakhs. These are concrete evidence. Not BJP but, JDU in the past had released a booklet during a press conference which stated that land in exchange for jobs was given by Rajiv Ranjan Singh alias Lalan Singh to the then Prime Minister Manmohan Singh."
He added, "On the 13th, when they will be presented before the Court, the CBI will ask for their remand and if they get their custody then they are gone," as reported by ANI.
Meanwhile, BJP leader Shehzad Poonawalla also reacted on the matter by saying, "This is reverse Robinhood. Robinhood used to loot the rich and provide for the poor. But in reverse Robinhood, the first family of corruption loots the poor, acquires their land and fills its pockets - indulging in Rs 600 Crores of scam."
The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has named Bihar Deputy CM Tejashwi Yadav in its latest charge sheet in the land-for-job case. The charge sheet, filed in Delhi's Rouse Avenue Court, includes the names of several individuals and firms as accused. Among the accused named in the CBI charge sheet are former Union Minister of Railways Lalu Prasad Yadav and former Chief Minister of Bihar Rabri Devi.
According to the CBI, during the period from 2004 to 2009, Lalu Prasad had obtained land in the name of his family members and received pecuniary benefits from the candidates in exchange for jobs in Group D posts in various zones of the Railways. The plots were purchased for significantly less than the market rates and the prevailing circle rates at that time. According to the CBI, the candidates were also accused of using fake TCs and submitting fake attested documents to the Ministry of Railways.