New Delhi: Chief Minister Nitish Kumar's party Janata Dal United (JDU) leaders have been working to strengthen the organisation after it failed to perform well at the Bihar Assembly elections in 2020. The party is now trying to woo Young voters. The party believes that they did not receive support from young voters in the last election, due to which they were only able to win 43 seats. Therefore, party leaders have been trying to woo young voters ever since the last elections ended.
Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar is also eyeing young voters. He has been seen talking about young voters a number of times since the last elections. In a program held on Tuesday regarding this, he said that people are now forgetting events of olde. Therefore, this change should be documented and shared on social media. This is essential to avoid comments arising due to misunderstanding and misinformation. We need to save the youth from heading on the wrong path. They need to be informed.
Rs. 10,000 Crore Spent Till Date
Nitish Kumar said, "We gave a compensation of Rs. 4 Lakh to the kin of every person who died due to COVID-19, but we did not do it to gain publicity. Other states are announcing compensations of Rs. 50,000 and then publicising it everywhere. If a Bihari dies of COVID-19 when he is outside Bihar, his kin would still be eligible for compensation."