New Delhi: Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Friday trained guns at the Congress party for running a 'baseless' campaign against the incumbent Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-led Central government and its economic policies. Soon after Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the Fit India Movement on the occasion of National Sport Day, the erstwhile ruling party took to Twitter and posted a series of tweets mocking the economic failure of the current government and termed country's economy 'unfit'.

Lambasting the Congress party for its harsh take on current economic situation and blaming Modi government for the same, Sitharaman said that the grand old party has forgotten that they ran an economy with double-digit inflation through 10 years that it was in power. "They ran an economy with double digit inflation through 10 years that they were in power. They couldn't control prices, they led country in corruption, so to talk about fit and unfit is not for them," the FM said.

Sitharaman also claimed that Congress party's campaign over the ongoing economic slowdown will not find any takers among the common people. Her harsh reactions were triggered by the 'unfit government, unfit economy' campaign launched by the Congress party on social media platforms.

Here's what Congress tweeted which drew Sitharaman's attention:

Over the past few months, Congress has sharpened its attack on both PM Modi and FM Sitharaman on the backdrop of slipping economy and loss making industries. Soon after the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), earlier this week, decided to transfer a surplus of Rs 1.76 lakh crore to the Central government, former Congress President Rahul Gandhi was quick enough to hurdle both PM and FM for being unable to solve their self-created economic disaster.

"PM & FM are clueless about how to solve their self created economic disaster. Stealing from RBI won’t work - it’s like stealing a Band-Aid from the dispensary & sticking it on a gunshot wound," Gandhi said in a tweet.

Responding to Rahul Gandhi's tweet, Sitharaman had said, "Whenever Rahul Gandhi raises things like 'chor,chori,' one thing comes to my mind, he tried his best 'chor, chor,chori,' but public gave him befitting reply. What's the point of using the same words again?"

In a press conference held last week, Sitharaman had compared the growth rate of the US and China with India. Congress party, however, targeted her saying that she did not know the basics of economics.

“India is in dire need of an FM with a basic understanding of economics. Our growth rate may be higher than US & China, but they are a $21 trillion & $14.8 trillion economies respectively, we are $2.8 trillion. You cannot make a growth rate comparison without looking at base levels,” the Congress said in a tweet.