The Maharashtra government and the state police chief received notices from the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) on Monday in response to allegations that many girls were sexually exploited at a children's shelter home in Nashik district, news agency PTI reported citing official sources.
According to the statement issued by the commission, it appears that the district authorities involved "failed" to undertake sufficient oversight at the shelter house, which is administered under their control.
The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has taken suo motu cognizance of media reports alleging the sexual exploitation of several girls at a children's shelter home in Nashik, it said.
"Reportedly, the director of a private facility for children in Nashik was arrested by the police for allegedly subjecting a 14-year-old girl to rape a few days ago," the statement said.
The Commission has noted that the content of the news report, if true, raises significant concerns about human rights violations.
As a result, it has served notices on the chief secretary and the director general of police, requesting a thorough report within six weeks, according to the statement.
The report is expected to include the status of the FIR, including the criminal offences involved in the case, the progress and outcome of the investigation, the arrest of the accused, the health status of the female students, and any monetary relief or rehabilitation provided to them by state authorities.
The Commission also wants to hear if any counselling has been provided to victim inmates, particularly minor victims of the traumatic incident, according to the statement.
The Commission has also requested that the Special Rapporteur of the NHRC for the state of Maharashtra, P N Dixit, conduct an inspection visit to the children's shelter home in Mhasrul, Nashik district, regarding the safety, security, and vulnerability of the inmates, as well as food, habitation, health and welfare of the children, and measures being taken to improve the children's living standards and submit a detailed report within two months.
According to media reports, 15 girl students were examined, with six alleging sexual assault against the accused, the head of the shelter home. An FIR has been filed under relevant sections of the POCSO Act and the SC/ST (PoA) Act, and the accused has been apprehended by police, the statement added.