New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi virtually addressed a ‘Yuva Shivir’ on Thursday which was organised by the Shree Swaminarayan Temple, Kundaldham and Shree Swaminarayan Temple Karelibaug in Gujarat’s Vadodara. The event aimed to involve more youngsters in social service and nation-building. According to a statement by the PMO, the main focus of the event was to make the youth partners in building a new India through initiatives like 'Ek Bharat, Shreshtha Bharat', 'Aatmanirbhar Bharat' and 'Swachh Bharat' among others. 

Focusing on youth, PM Modi said, "Today we are taking a collective resolve, making efforts to build a new India. A new India, whose identity is new, forward-looking and traditions are ancient and move ahead by taking both new thinking and age-old culture together."

He added that the new India will also follow the teachings of our ancestors keeping in view of our rich culture. He said, "Our saints and scriptures have taught us that the foundation and development of any society are based on its youth...We've taken pledge to make a New India that is built on new thinking but is rooted in our rich cultural heritage."

He further said, "From delivering vaccines & medicines to the world in the midst of the Corona the role of a capable nation for peace in the midst of global unrest & conflicts, India is the new hope of the world today."

talking about the 'Youth Shivir', the Prime Minister said that when the event will end, he is sure his young friends participating in the programme will feel  new energy within themselves along with a new clarity, and a new consciousness will flow. PM Modi wished good luck to all the participants for 'this new beginning, new departure, new resolution.'