NEW DELHI: After Supreme Court ordered that CM's of Uttar Pradesh will have to vacate their government bungalows once their tenure in office comes to an end, former SP leader Mulayam Singh Yadav had sought permission of 2 years to move from his government bungalow.

Image: representational/ PTI

The former chief ministers had written a letter to the State estate department about the same.

While his son SP chief Akhilesh Yadav has sought two years' time to vacate the premises, arguing he does not have another place where he could live with his kind of security cover, the BSP has declared the official residence occupied by its supremo Mayawati as a memorial for party founder Kanshi Ram.

The Supreme Court’s decision was taken by the apex court while hearing a public interest litigation (PIL) filed by NGO Lokprahari. The plea had challenged the decision of the government to allot official bungalows to Chief Ministers after their tenure in the office got over.

Following the order, the Uttar Pradesh government on May 17 issued notices to six former chief ministers to vacate their official bungalows. The notices sent by the Estate Department has asked them to vacate their bungalows in 15 days