New Delhi: District authorities in the National Capital Region (NCR), including that of Ghaziabad, Noida and Gurugram, have urged people to maintain peace and not pay any attention to rumours about the new citizenship law on social media platforms. The Ghaziabad and Noida authorities have issued pamphlets in a bid to tackle rumours about the newly-enacted citizenship law that are making rounds on social media.

The pamphlets say that the objective of the citizenship act is not to take away the citizenship of Muslims in the country but to grant Indian citizenship to the minorities facing religious persecution in neighbouring countries. They also say that there has not been any announcement about the implementation of a national-wide National Register of Citizens.

The pamphlets also appeal to the people to maintain mutual brotherhood and social harmony. The Gurugram Police said that it is monitoring those spreading rumours. "Keeping in mind the current situation over the Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2019, the Gurugram Police is keeping an eye on the people spreading rumours on social media about the new law," it said.

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Bengaluru City Police (BCP) has also advised people not to pay attention to rumours and false information on social media. This comes amid widespread protests across the country against the newly-enacted citizenship law, which grants Indian citizenship to refugees from Hindu, Christian, Sikh, Buddhist and Parsi communities fleeing religious persecution from Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Bangladesh, who entered India on or before December 31, 2014.