New Delhi: On Prime Minister Narendra Modi's 70th birthday, social media users are protesting against the rising unemployment in the country by observing #NationalUnemploymentDay or ‘Rashtriya Berojgar Divas. The hashtag is trending in Twitter where users have shared memes and have demanded government action to make the situation better.

The Indian economy was hit hard by the pandemic and recently India reported a contraction of 23.9 percent in the country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for the first quarter of 2020-21. Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman had called it "act of God" while the opposition called it a matter of shame. According to the Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy the urban unemployment rate in urban India in the week ending 6 September 2020 was at 8.32 percent. The report by Mint also says that rural unemployment has also increased and reached 7.65 percent in August compared to 6.66 percent recorded in July.

The creation of employment opportunities was one of the main agendas for PM Modi but as the unemployment increases, questions are being raised.

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Putting the responsibility of the dire situation on PM Modi, Twitteratis have taken to social media to urge the government to increase employment opportunities and make reforms for students.

Some Twitteratis are also raising the issue of delay in exam results of SSC and are urging for reforms that can help students.

Meanwhile, for the PM's birthday, the BJP had launched the 'Seva Saptah', a week-long party campaign to mark the 70th birthday. This year, all social welfare activities revolve around the number 70.Nadda had also announced that the party will work at 70 spots in every district for cleanliness and distribution of fruits. They also established a target of providing at least 70 specially-abled people with the equipments they require in each district. There will also be 70 virtual rallies.