Dhule: While driving through a highway in Maharashtra, Ratandeep, a resident of Nashik was shocked to find a snake slithering on his windshield. He was on his way to Madhya Pradesh from the highway in Shirpur tehsil of Dhule district.


The snake kept crawling on the front glass of the car for about two kilometers until he finally decided to stop. 

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Ratandeep was driving to Madhya Pradesh and soon as he entered the highway, a snake crawled onto his windshield, it seemed to have appeared out of nowhere. He thought of stopping the car but since it was raining and he was in the middle of nowhere continued to drive on. 

Finally, when he reached Shripur market, he stopped the car and waited for the snake to slither out of his car but instead, it glided to the rear wheels and settled on the bottom of the car. 

Somehow Ratandeep managed to reach a vehicle service center where parked it on a ramp and called snake rescuers who safely removed the snake from the car. 

Ratandeep said that because of the heavy rain the snake must have taken shelter on his car when he had stopped before driving into the highway.