New Delhi: After veteran actor Naseeruddin Shah said he's worried for children in today's India, BJP said that Naseeruddin is a Congress agent. BJP also accused that the statement was issued keeping in view the upcoming 2019 LS elections. On Twitter, Rakesh Sinha wrote Nasiruddin Shah should first ask Rohingyas to leave Hindustan as according to him India is unsafe for him and his family! An artist should not be part of sinister design of anti cil society propaganda. His statement shows his low thinking.

On the issue, BJP’s Shahnawaz Hussain also said “For Indian Muslims, there can be no better country than India and no better friend than Hindus. Why is Naseeruddin Shah is frightened in India”. He further added “Muslims are not even safe in Muslims countries of Arabs. What type of signal he is trying to send by making such statements. Naseeruddin is breaking the heart of the people of this country by making such statements.”

In a short YouTube video shared by Karwan-e-Mohabbat India, Shah said “The poison has already spread. It will be very difficult to capture this djinn back into the bottle again. There is complete impunity for those who take law into their hands. In many areas we are witnessing that the death of a cow has more significance than that of a police officer.”

Referring to the recent violence in Uttar Pradesh's Bulandshahr, Shah has said at many places the "death of a cow is being given more importance than the killing of a policeman".