MUMBAI: The Maharashtra government on Tuesday ordered a probe into the massive fire at Mumbai's ESIC Kamgar hospital, which claimed eight lives. Another 176 injured were being treated at various hospitals. The blaze broke out on Monday afternoon at the Employees State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) Hospital in MIDC, Andheri East, and spread to engulf the third and fourth floors.
"Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis has ordered an enquiry into the fire incident at the ESIC Hospital," the CMO said in a tweet. The chief minister expressed grief over the loss of lives and prayed for the speedy recovery of the injured and assured that all required assistance will be given, it added.
The National Human Rights Commission issued a notice to the Maharashtra government and the Labour Ministry on Tuesday over the fire incident. The commission has also asked them to submit a detailed report in the matter within four weeks, including action taken against the guilty, if any. According to the statement, the NHRC took suo motu cognisance over media reports that a massive fire engulfed the hospital.
The Labour Ministry has announced a compensation of Rs 10 lakh for the next of kin of the dead. Rs. 2 lakh each was announced for those who have serious injuries and Rs. 1 lakh each for those with minor injuries.
The cause of fire is being ascertained. As per preliminary report, the building material lying at the ground floor of hospital for renovation work caught fire which led to generation of smoke, the Labour Ministry said.
Nearly 375 people, including patients and visitors, were in the five-floor hospital during visiting hours when fire and smoke were reported on its fourth floor around 4.03 pm on Monday, according to a fire brigade official.
Milind Ogle, the deputy chief fire officer of the MIDC area, said the hospital doesn't have the final no-objection certificate for fire compliance. "The hospital applied for the final NOC a fortnight ago for its under-construction building adjacent to the old structure that caught fire," he said.
(With inputs from agencies)
Mumbai hospital fire: CM Fadnavis orders probe; Labour Min announces Rs 10 lakh ex-gratia for kin of deceased
ABP News Bureau
Updated at:
18 Dec 2018 07:17 PM (IST)
The Maharashtra government on Tuesday ordered a probe into the massive fire at Mumbai's ESIC Kamgar hospital, which claimed eight lives. Another 176 injured were being treated at various hospitals.
The blaze broke out on Monday afternoon at the Employees State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) Hospital in MIDC, Andheri East, and spread to engulf the third and fourth floors. PTI Photo
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