Mumbai: A level-II fire broke out in a 33-storeyed building on Wednesday afternoon at Prabhadevi's Appasaheb Marathe Marg in south Mumbai's Worli locality. The top floor of the 'Beaumonde' high-rise reportedly caught fire which spread to the floor below it. Around 10 fire tenders have been rushed to the spot to douse the flames.

Reports say actress Deepika Padukone has her residence at the 26th floor in the skyscraper. She was not present at her house when the fire broke out. 90-95 people were evacuated from the building. No casualties were reported so far.  The fire was brought under control at 3:40 pm.

Deepika sought to respond to queries about her well-being. She tweeted she's safe and urged people to pray for firefighters who risked their lives to douse the blaze.

The fire was brought under control at 3:40 pm.

The cause of the fire is not known. It is to be found out whether the standards of fire protection and fire safety norms were followed or not.

Last Saturday, a fire broke out in a building in the region's Fort area. A part of the building collapsed due to it. Two fire brigade personnel injured themselves while putting out the blaze. On June 1 fire broke out in the multi-storeyed Scindia House in South Mumbai.  The building, a well-known landmark in South Mumbai, also houses the office of the Debt Recovery Tribunal (DRT).

More details awaited.