Mumbaikars on Wednesday woke up to a morning shrouded in smog as the air quality deteriorated further in the city. According to the data by the Central Pollution Control Board on Wednesday at 12 noon, Mumbai’s Air Quality Index was at 197, even more than Delhi which was recorded at 133. 

Videos shared by users on social media showed Mumbai’s hazy skyline covered in smog. 

The city’s air quality started to deteriorate this week after being under “good category” until last week. On Tuesday, the AQI in Mumbai stood at 115. 

According to the System of Air Quality and Weather Forecasting And Research, Safar-India, the air quality at Kalanagar in Bandra Kurla area touched 178.

Meanwhile, the AQI in Delhi was recorded in “moderate” category and stood at 133. The city witnessed poor air quality on Sunday and Monday. It improved slightly afterwards as gusty winds accompanied by rains lashed parts of the national capital on Monday night.

The Air Quality Index, which is a tool for effective communication of air quality status has six scales to comprehend the quality of air. 

According to the AQI scale, the air quality check between 0 and 50 are considered "good", 51 and 100 are "satisfactory", 101 and 200 are "moderate", 201 and 300 are "poor", 301 and 400 are "very poor", and 401 and 450 are "severe" and "severe+" when AQI exceeds 450. 

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