Mumbai: A 57-year-old builder allegedly committed suicide Thursday by shooting himself at his office in suburban Chembur, a police official said. Sanjay Agarwal, the owner of Sanjona Builders, was apparently under stress as one of his projects in the upmarket Chembur area had got delayed, he said.

Agarwal allegedly shot himself with his licensed revolver in his office cabin in Chembur's Sindhi Colony around 11.25 am. He was rushed to a nearby hospital where doctors declared him dead, Deputy Commissioner of Police (zone-VI) Shahaji Umap said.

Agarwal's son, his brother-in-law and some office employees were present in the premises when the incident took place, police said.

An accidental death report was registered by the Chembur police and the body was sent to Rajawadi Hospital in Ghatkopar for postmortem, the official said.

According to Agarwal's family members, he was under stress as his project on 10th Road in Chembur had got delayed, police said, adding that a probe was underway.

Earlier, Agarwal had worked in a senior position at Nukem Industries, one of the largest suppliers of chemicals to most of the top pharmaceutical companies in the country, for 20 years.

He had formed Sanjona Builders in 1999 in partnership with one Sunil Gupta.